Keto Turkey Bacon Breakfast Meal Prep

Breakfast should not be difficult! Especially when it comes to meal prepping, you want a breakfast that is easy to make in bulk and keeps well under refrigeration for a few days. Each breakfast meal prep bowl here has scrambled eggs, two slices of turkey bacon, and a few slices of avocado for additional fat. This recipe makes two bowls, so you can easily double it to last you through the week! Of course, you’re not obligated to use the recipe as meal prep, but it sure does make things easier! You could also turn this into a family breakfast to make for 2-4 people, or cut the recipe in half to make one fresh breakfast for yourself.

Other things to add to the meal prep You can add other ingredients to your meal prep container to increase the nutrition. Add some dark greens, like fresh spinach or arugula, to the warm scrambled eggs to help them wilt. You could add diced vegetables to your scrambled eggs or even other diced meats. For more fat, try cooking your scrambled eggs with coconut oil!

Avocado nutrition facts Avocado might seem green and mushy, but it’s loaded with healthy nutrition you need on your Keto diet. An ounce of avocado has about 4 grams of fats and only about 2 grams of carbs. Those fats are rich with omega-3 fatty acids, which help combat bad cholesterol. Avocados also have magnesium and vitamins B and C.

Why eat turkey bacon on the Keto diet? Pork bacon surely has more fat than turkey bacon, so why eat a leaner cut of meat? While it’s okay to eat bacon every now and then, it still has saturated fats. Some saturated fats are okay to eat in moderation, like animal fat, but you want more of your fat to come from healthier sources. Think fish and avocados.

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About Keto Turkey Bacon Breakfast Meal Prep

This recipe is a delicious and nutritious way to start your day on a ketogenic diet. It features the savory flavors of turkey bacon, paired with eggs and low-carb vegetables. What sets it apart is its focus on providing a satisfying and filling meal while staying within the guidelines of a keto lifestyle.

Origins of Keto Turkey Bacon Breakfast Meal Prep

While there may not be a specific cultural or historical significance to this recipe, it is rooted in the growing popularity of the ketogenic diet. As people embrace the benefits of low-carb eating, this meal prep option offers a convenient and tasty way to stick to their dietary goals.

Best Time to Enjoy Keto Turkey Bacon Breakfast Meal Prep

This recipe can be enjoyed year-round, as it relies on readily available ingredients. However, it can be particularly enjoyable during the colder months when a warm and hearty breakfast is especially comforting. It is also a great choice for busy individuals who want to have a nutritious and delicious meal ready to go in the morning.

Perfect Food Pairings with Keto Turkey Bacon Breakfast Meal Prep

  • Pair this meal prep with a side of fresh avocado slices to add a creamy and healthy element to your breakfast.
  • For a complete and well-rounded meal, serve it with a side of sautéed spinach or kale, adding some extra greens to your plate.
  • To complement the flavors, enjoy a cup of black coffee or unsweetened herbal tea.
  • If you prefer a variation, try adding some diced tomatoes or mushrooms to the recipe for extra flavor and texture.

Tips and Tricks to Prepare Keto Turkey Bacon Breakfast Meal Prep

  • When cooking the turkey bacon, make sure to cook it until it is crispy to enhance its flavor and texture.
  • If you don't have turkey bacon on hand, you can substitute it with regular bacon or even ham.
  • To save time in the morning, you can pre-chop your vegetables the night before and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Feel free to experiment with different seasonings or herbs to add your own personal touch to the dish.

Let's Get Started!

With its flavorful combination of turkey bacon, eggs, and low-carb vegetables, this Keto Turkey Bacon Breakfast Meal Prep is sure to satisfy your taste buds while keeping you on track with your weight-loss goals. Give it a try and experience the joy of cooking and exploring new flavors. Join our community of keto enthusiasts and subscribe to receive more delicious recipes to enhance your culinary journey!


  • Raw Egg (4 large)
  • Heavy Cream (2 teaspoon)
  • Salt (0.25 teaspoon)
  • Black Pepper (0.25 teaspoon)
  • Turkey Bacon (4 slice)
  • Avocado (4 ounce)


  1. Whisk together the eggs, cream, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Heat a medium-sized skillet on medium-low heat. You may apply pan spray if needed.
  2. Pour the eggs into the pan. Cook and constantly stir with a spatula until you have scrambled eggs. Cook the eggs to your desired doneness.
  3. Distribute the cooked scrambled eggs between meal prep containers. Wipe the skillet clean. Then, return it to a high heat on the stove. Cook all 4 pieces of bacon to your liking (crispy is recommended).
  4. Add 2 pieces of bacon to each meal prep bowl. For servings, slice an avocado and arrange 2 oz of avocado per meal prep container. You may also add a sprinkle of salt to the avocado for flavor. Enjoy!
  5. Download our Free Keto Recipe Book for 21 Healthy, Quick and Easy to make Recipes


Protein: 22g
Fat: 28g
Total Carbs: 8g
Net Carbs: 4g
Calories: 370 KCal

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