Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese

One sunny weekend, I decided to host a fun party at our house for our friends and family. I wanted to do something different, so I came up with the idea of having everyone create their own custom recipe. It was going to be a cooking extravaganza!

I told my husband, Mark, and our two children, Emily and Ethan, about my plan, and they were all excited. We made a list of all the ingredients we would need and headed to the grocery store. We wanted to make sure we had everything for everyone's creative recipes.

When the day of the party arrived, our friends and family started pouring in. Everyone was buzzing with anticipation. We set up a long table with different stations for each person to work on their recipes. There were colorful bowls, cutting boards, and a variety of ingredients spread out on the table.

As everyone gathered around, I explained the rules of the party. Each person had to come up with their own unique recipe using the ingredients provided. They could mix and match flavors, add spices, and experiment with different cooking techniques. The goal was to have fun, be creative, and enjoy the health benefits of the dishes we were making.

Soon, the kitchen was filled with laughter and the aroma of delicious food. Emily decided to make a Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese sauce. She carefully chopped the sundried tomatoes, garlic, and basil, and mixed them with olive oil. She added a pinch of red pepper flakes for a spicy kick. Her sauce looked vibrant and smelled amazing!

Ethan, on the other hand, wanted to make a healthy salad. He picked fresh lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocado. He tossed them together with a tangy lemon vinaigrette. It was refreshing and packed with nutrients.

Our friends and family were also busy creating their recipes. Some made mouthwatering pasta dishes, while others experimented with unique salads and appetizers. Everyone was having a blast, trying out new flavors and combinations.

After a couple of hours, all the dishes were ready. We gathered around the table, eager to taste each other's creations. It was like a buffet of homemade goodness. We shared stories about our recipes and how we came up with them.

The party was a huge success! Not only did we have a great time, but we also learned that cooking together can be so much fun. It allows us to be creative and try new things. Plus, we all felt good about the healthy choices we made in our recipes.

As the day came to an end, we cleaned up the kitchen, but the memories of our party would stay with us forever. It was a day filled with laughter, love, and delicious food. We couldn't wait to host another cooking extravaganza with our friends and family!

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About Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese

The Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese is a unique and flavorful recipe that caters to low carb and ketogenic dietary preferences. This dish features the rich and tangy flavors of sundried tomatoes, combined with fresh herbs, garlic, and almonds. The use of almond flour instead of traditional pasta makes it a low carb alternative without compromising on taste. This recipe is a delicious and satisfying option for those looking to enjoy a keto-friendly Italian-inspired dish.

Origins of Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese

The origins of the Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese can be traced back to the region of Sicily in Italy. Trapanese sauce, also known as Pesto Trapanese, is a traditional sauce made with sundried tomatoes, almonds, garlic, and fresh herbs. It is believed to have been created by Sicilian fishermen who used local ingredients readily available to them. This sauce has since become a staple in Sicilian cuisine and is now adapted into a keto-friendly version for those following a low carb lifestyle.

Best Time to Enjoy Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese

The Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese is best enjoyed during the summer months when fresh tomatoes and herbs are abundant. It is a perfect dish for outdoor gatherings and picnics. Additionally, the vibrant flavors of this dish make it a great addition to any Italian-themed dinner party. Whether you're enjoying a warm summer evening or hosting a cozy gathering, this recipe is sure to impress.

Perfect Food Pairings with Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese

  • Pair the Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese with grilled chicken or shrimp for a complete and satisfying meal.
  • Serve it alongside a fresh green salad tossed with a light vinaigrette dressing to balance the flavors.
  • For a vegetarian option, serve the Trapanese sauce over zucchini noodles or roasted vegetables.
  • To complement the Italian flavors, pair the dish with a glass of dry red wine or a refreshing sparkling water with a twist of lemon.

Tips and Tricks to Prepare Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese

  • For a creamier sauce, add a splash of heavy cream or coconut cream to the mixture.
  • If you prefer a spicier kick, add a pinch of red pepper flakes or a dash of hot sauce to the sauce.
  • Experiment with different herbs such as basil, parsley, or oregano to customize the flavor profile to your liking.
  • If almonds are not available, you can substitute them with pine nuts or walnuts for a different texture and taste.

Let's Get Started!

The Keto Sundried Tomato Trapanese is a delicious and versatile dish that offers a unique twist on traditional Italian flavors. With its low carb and keto-friendly ingredients, it's a perfect option for those looking to indulge in a flavorful meal while staying on track with their weight-loss goals. So, gather your ingredients, unleash your creativity in the kitchen, and savor the joy of cooking and exploring new flavors. Try this recipe today and embark on a culinary journey that will delight your taste buds and nourish your body.


  • Sundried Tomatoes Packed In Oil Drained (5 piece)
  • Olive Oil (3 tablespoon)
  • Lemon Juice (2 teaspoon)
  • Almonds, Blanched (1 tablespoon, whole pieces)
  • Garlic (1 clove)
  • Parmesan Cheese (1 tablespoon, grated)
  • Basil, Fresh (⅓ cup, whole pieces)
  • Salt, Sea Salt (¼ teaspoon)


  1. Add the almonds to a dry pan over a low heat. Toast gently for 2-3 minutes until lightly golden.
  2. Add the almonds to a food processor along with the garlic, Parmesan, basil, lemon juice, sundried tomatoes and salt. Pulse to combine.
  3. Add the olive oil and blend to form a chunky pesto. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
  4. Download our Free Keto Recipe Book for 21 Healthy, Quick and Easy to make Recipes


Protein: 3g
Fat: 25g
Total Carbs: 4g
Net Carbs: 3g
Calories: 240 KCal

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