Keto Spicy Salmon Pilaf

This fresh and flavorful pilaf can be prepared in advance and assembled quickly when you’re ready to eat! Raw salmon is cooked with lime juice and salty soy sauce, instead of heat. Make sure to use the best quality salmon you can manage - it will be well worth it! Jessica L.

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  • Salmon, Red (sockeye), Raw, Alaska Native (3-½ ounce)
  • Lime Juice, Fresh (1 teaspoon)
  • Soy Sauce (1 teaspoon)
  • Garlic (½ teaspoon)
  • Sambal Oelek Paste Of Chili by Rooster (¼ teaspoon)
  • Spinach (½ ounce)
  • Cucumber, Raw, With Peel (1-½ ounce)
  • Avocado (1 ounce)


  1. Finely dice a fresh salmon filet and place it in a ziploc bag. Mix in the lime juice, soy sauce, garlic, and chili paste. Make sure all the salmon is coated before sealing the bag and setting the salmon to marinate in your fridge for minimum 1 hour.
  2. When you’re ready to prepare your pilaf, set a 4-inch circle cutter on a plate. Press chopped spinach into the bottom of the circle. Follow this with a layer of minced cucumber.
  3. Next, thinly slice the avocado and layer it over the cucumber.
  4. Spoon your salmon on top of the avocado and gently press it down. Pull your circle cutter away to reveal your pilaf. If you do not have something to form the pilaf, you can always serve these ingredients as a chopped salad.


Protein: 24g
Fat: 12g
Total Carbs: 6g
Net Carbs: 3g
Calories: 215 KCal

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