Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers

Instead of filling your stuffed peppers with a loose, messy filling, pack your peppers with dense and savory meatloaf! This meatloaf is made with ground pork and seasoned with classic meatloaf spices and even includes a little tomato ketchup! At your discretion, you could upgrade your stuffed pepper with a layer of melted cheese. .

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About Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers

Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers is a unique and flavorful recipe that combines the classic comfort of meatloaf with the vibrant and healthy goodness of bell peppers. This dish features a delicious mixture of ground pork, herbs, and spices, stuffed into tender bell peppers, and baked to perfection. What sets it apart is its low carb twist, making it ideal for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. The combination of savory pork, aromatic seasonings, and the sweetness of the peppers creates a mouthwatering flavor profile that is sure to satisfy.

Origins of Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers

While there may not be a specific cultural or historical significance attached to Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers, its origins lie in the timeless tradition of stuffing vegetables with flavorful fillings. This technique can be traced back to various cuisines around the world, such as Italian, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern. The recipe takes inspiration from these culinary traditions and adds a modern twist with the use of low carb ingredients. By combining the concept of meatloaf and stuffed peppers, this recipe offers a unique and delicious twist on a classic dish.

Best Time to Enjoy Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers

Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers can be enjoyed year-round, but they are particularly delightful during the summer and fall months when bell peppers are in peak season. This dish makes the most of the fresh and vibrant flavors of the peppers, enhancing the overall taste experience. Additionally, these stuffed peppers can be a great addition to picnics, barbecues, or family gatherings, adding a touch of elegance and flavor to any occasion.

Perfect Food Pairings with Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers

  • For a well-rounded meal, serve Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers with a side of cauliflower rice or a fresh green salad.
  • Pair it with a refreshing cucumber and mint yogurt sauce to balance the richness of the pork and add a cooling element to the dish.
  • For a low carb or ketogenic option, serve the stuffed peppers alongside roasted Brussels sprouts or steamed broccoli.
  • For a complete dinner experience, complement the dish with a glass of light red wine or a sparkling water infused with lemon and mint.

Tips and Tricks to Prepare Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers

  • Make sure to choose bell peppers that are firm and have a vibrant color. This ensures they hold their shape during baking.
  • If ground pork is not available, you can substitute it with ground beef, chicken, or turkey for a different flavor profile.
  • To add an extra layer of flavor, consider adding diced onions, garlic, or grated cheese to the meatloaf mixture.
  • If you prefer a spicier kick, add a pinch of chili flakes or a dash of hot sauce to the meat mixture.
  • For a quicker cooking time, you can pre-cook the bell peppers by blanching them in boiling water for a few minutes before stuffing them.

Let's Get Started!

Low Carb Pork Meatloaf Stuffed Peppers offer a delightful combination of flavors and a creative twist on traditional meatloaf. Try this recipe today and savor the deliciousness while staying true to your low-carb or ketogenic dietary preferences. Join our community of food enthusiasts and explore the joy of cooking and discovering new flavors. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive more delicious recipes and stay motivated on your weight-loss journey. Happy cooking!


  • Ground Pork (8 ounce)
  • Salt (⅛ teaspoon)
  • Black Pepper, Ground (⅛ teaspoon)
  • Paprika (¼ teaspoon)
  • Nutmeg Ground (⅛ tsp)
  • Onion Powder (¼ teaspoon)
  • Garlic, Powder (⅛ teaspoon)
  • Crushed Red Pepper by Simply Organic (⅛ tsp)
  • Celery Seed (⅛ teaspoon)
  • Parmesan Cheese (1 tablespoon, shredded)
  • Ketchup (1 teaspoon)
  • Green Bell Pepper (10 ounce)


  1. Preheat an oven to 400 degrees. In a bowl, use your hand to mix together the ground pork with all the ingredients except for the bell peppers.
  2. Prepare green bell peppers that are 5-oz each by slicing off the tops and removing the seeds. Arrange this face up in a glass baking dish.
  3. Stuff each pepper with the ground pork. Use either a long toothpick or skewer to poke 4-5 holes into the meat to help the centers cook.
  4. Wrap a piece of foil over the baking dish. Bake the dish for 60 minutes. If there is a lot of excess fat after removing the foil, use this little trick to drain the grease away: use a toothpick to poke a hole through the base of each bell pepper and let the grease drain from the pork into the dish.
  5. Download our Free Keto Recipe Book for 21 Healthy, Quick and Easy to make Recipes


Protein: 33g
Fat: 26g
Total Carbs: 8g
Net Carbs: 5g
Calories: 390 KCal

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