These Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies are a delightful twist on a classic treat. Imagine sinking your teeth into a rich, fudgy brownie with a burst of refreshing peppermint flavor. What sets these brownies apart is not only their incredible taste, but also their simplicity. With just one bowl needed for mixing, you'll save time and effort while indulging in a guilt-free dessert. So, get ready to satisfy your sweet tooth and impress your taste buds with this unique, easy-to-make recipe.

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Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies

One day, I decided to try making Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies. I was excited to make a delicious treat that was also healthy. I gathered all the ingredients and started following the recipe. It was a bit challenging to find some of the keto-friendly ingredients, but I managed to get them.

As I mixed the batter, the sweet smell of peppermint filled the kitchen. My children, Emily and Ethan, came running into the kitchen, eager to help. We poured the batter into the baking dish and popped it into the oven. The waiting was the hardest part!

Finally, the brownies were ready. They looked amazing, with a fudgy texture and a hint of peppermint. I couldn't wait to dig in. I let them cool down for a bit, and then we all took a bite. The taste was heavenly! Rich and chocolaty, with just the right amount of peppermint.

If you want to achieve the same success and satisfaction in the kitchen, here are some tips. First, make sure you have all the keto-friendly ingredients on hand. You can find them in specialty stores or online. Second, follow the recipe step by step, taking your time to mix everything well. Lastly, be patient and let the brownies cool down before indulging in their deliciousness.

So, if you're looking for a healthy and tasty dessert, give these Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies a try. Trust me, they are worth it!

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Origins of Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies

The origins of Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies can be traced back to the growing popularity of the ketogenic diet. As more people embrace a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle, the demand for keto-friendly desserts has skyrocketed. These brownies were created to satisfy the cravings of those following a ketogenic diet while still providing a delicious and indulgent treat.

Best Time to Enjoy Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies

Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies are perfect to enjoy during the holiday season. The refreshing taste of peppermint combined with the rich chocolate flavor creates a festive and decadent dessert. Additionally, the availability of fresh peppermint during this time adds an extra touch of authenticity to the recipe.

Perfect Food Pairings with Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies

To create a well-rounded meal, consider pairing Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies with a dollop of sugar-free whipped cream and a sprinkle of crushed candy canes. This not only enhances the minty flavor but also adds a delightful texture. For a beverage, a warm cup of keto-friendly hot cocoa or a refreshing peppermint tea complements the brownies perfectly.

Tips and Tricks to Prepare Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies

  • To make the brownies extra fudgy, melt the butter and chocolate together before adding them to the batter.
  • If you prefer a stronger peppermint flavor, add a few drops of peppermint extract to the batter.
  • For a more festive presentation, sprinkle crushed candy canes on top of the brownies before baking.
  • If you don't have access to fresh peppermint, you can use peppermint extract instead.

Let's Get Started!

Now that you know the origins and best time to enjoy Keto One-Bowl Peppermint Brownies, it's time to unleash your inner baker and give this recipe a try. Join the growing community of keto enthusiasts and indulge in a guilt-free treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth while keeping you on track with your weight-loss goals. Don't forget to share your creations and join the conversation with other keto lovers. Happy baking!


  • Butter (4 tablespoon)
  • The Ultimate Icing Sugar Replacement by Swerve (½ cup)
  • Hershey’s Cocoa Powder Special Dark (½ cup)
  • Raw Egg (2 large)
  • Vanilla Extract (½ teaspoon)
  • Almond Flour (½ cup)
  • Chocolate Chips, Sugar Free (¼ cup, whole pieces - regular)
  • Peppermint Hard Candy, Sugar Free (25 piece)


  1. Preheat an oven to 350 F. Line an 8” x 8” pan with parchment paper and cooking spray or coat the pan very well with cooking spray. Then crush the peppermint candies into small pieces using a rolling pin and plastic bag. It is ok if some are larger.
  2. Mix the melted butter with the sweetener, cocoa powder, eggs and vanilla.
  3. Add the almond flour, chocolate chips and ⅔ of the crushed peppermint candies.
  4. Spread the batter into the pan and add the remaining crushed candies on top, trying to leave the very fine powdery pieces in the bottom of the bag. Bake for 15 or so minutes or until the center is slightly firm to the touch but still a bit soft.
  5. Allow brownies to cool at room temperature a bit before placing in the fridge to cool completely. Cut the brownies into 9 squares using a sharp knife and a spatula to get under each brownie to remove them from the pan.
  6. Download our Free Keto Recipe Book for 21 Healthy, Quick and Easy to make Recipes


Protein: 4g
Fat: 11g
Total Carbs: 26g
Net Carbs: 1g
Calories: 160 KCal

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