Looking for a delicious low-carb alternative to traditional rice? Our Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice is a game-changer! With a creamy texture and rich flavor, this dish is a perfect side or main course. Made with fresh cauliflower, cream, and seasonings, it's a guilt-free and satisfying option for any meal.

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Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice

One busy weeknight, I needed to make a quick and nutritious meal for my family. I decided to make Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice. I chopped up the cauliflower and cooked it in a pan with some butter and garlic. Then I added cream cheese and Parmesan cheese to make it creamy and delicious. In just under 20 minutes, dinner was ready! My husband Mark and kids Emily and Ethan loved it. It was a hit! This recipe is perfect for busy weeknights when you need a healthy meal in a hurry.

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Origins of Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice

The recipe for Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice is believed to have originated as a healthier alternative to traditional rice dishes. Cauliflower has been a staple in many cuisines for centuries, known for its versatility and ability to mimic the texture of grains. This low-carb version of rice has gained popularity in recent years due to the rise of ketogenic and low-carb diets.

Best Time to enjoy Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice

This dish can be enjoyed year-round, but cauliflower is typically in season during the fall and winter months. Fresh cauliflower is readily available in most grocery stores, making it an ideal time to savor this recipe. It can be a great addition to holiday meals or as a comforting side dish during colder weather.

Perfect Food Pairings with Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice

Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice pairs well with grilled chicken, roasted vegetables, or a light salad. For a complete meal, consider adding some protein-rich foods like shrimp or tofu. A glass of crisp white wine or sparkling water with a splash of lemon would complement this dish perfectly.

Tips and Tricks to prepare Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice

- Make sure to thoroughly dry the cauliflower before processing to avoid a watery consistency. - Add a pinch of nutmeg or garlic powder for extra flavor. - For a creamier texture, blend in some cream cheese or grated Parmesan. - Experiment with different seasonings like paprika, cumin, or curry powder for a unique twist.

Let's get Started!

Low Carb Simple Creamed Cauliflower Rice is a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional rice dishes. Embrace the flavors of cauliflower and enjoy a low-carb option that doesn't skimp on taste. Try this recipe today and discover a new favorite side dish for your meals.


  • Cauliflower Rice (12 ounce)
  • Salt (¼ teaspoon)
  • Black Pepper (¼ teaspoon)
  • Paprika (½ teaspoon)
  • Oregano, Dried (½ teaspoon)
  • Onion Powder (¼ teaspoon)
  • Crushed Red Pepper by Simply Organic (¼ tsp)
  • Garlic (2 teaspoon)
  • Heavy Cream (6 tablespoon)
  • Chicken Broth (4 tablespoon)
  • Unsalted Butter (4 tablespoon)


  1. Start with either raw riced cauliflower or thawed riced cauliflower from a frozen bag. Cook the rice in a wide pan over high heat with the salt, pepper, paprika, oregano, onion powder, red pepper, and garlic. Cook until the spices become fragrant and the cauliflower has toasted to slightly golden. If using cauliflower rice from a frozen bag, this will simply take a little longer to cook than if using raw cauliflower. Then, reduce the heat to as low as it will go.
  2. Pour the heavy cream and chicken broth into the cauliflower. Place a lid over the rice and bring the liquid to a simmer. Simmer the rice until it soaks in all the liquid - about 5 minutes. Then, add in just half the butter. Return the lid and let the butter absorb into the rice. Once it’s absorbed, repeat the process with the remaining butter. Leave the lid on and reduce or increase the heat as necessary to avoid burning.
  3. Serve the creamed cauliflower rice hot in a family-style serving dish or arrange amongst meal prep containers. For this recipe, it is best to serve by weight for the most accurate nutrition logging, which is 203g/serving. The original recipe here was served with chopped green onion and wedges of lemon for squeezing. Other garnishes that you can include at your discretion are freshly chopped parsley, red pepper flakes, hot sauce, or grated parmesan cheese. You can go back to the introduction of this recipe to read about other ways you can bulk up the creamed cauliflower rice for a heartier meal or what other Carb Manager dishes this side dish can accompany.
  4. Download our Free Keto Recipe Book for 21 Healthy, Quick and Easy to make Recipes


Protein: 6g
Fat: 40g
Total Carbs: 10g
Net Carbs: 6g
Calories: 409 KCal

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