Keto Cheeseburger Mini Meatloaf

By user request, the popular Keto Cheeseburger Meatloaf has been adapted into this mini meatloaf recipe! Little meatloafs that can fit in the palm of your hand are filled with your classic cheeseburger toppings: onion, crunchy pickle, and gooey American cheese. Each loaf is topped with a quick “special sauce”. .

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About Keto Cheeseburger Mini Meatloaf

These Keto Cheeseburger Mini Meatloaves are a delightful twist on a classic cheeseburger. Packed with all the flavors you love, these mini meatloaves are not only delicious but also low in carbs and keto-friendly. The combination of ground beef, cheese, and savory seasonings creates a mouthwatering dish that is perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.

Origins of Keto Cheeseburger Mini Meatloaf

While the origins of the keto cheeseburger mini meatloaf recipe are unclear, it draws inspiration from the beloved American cheeseburger. The recipe takes the traditional flavors of a cheeseburger and transforms them into a convenient and flavorful meatloaf. This fusion of two classic dishes offers a unique twist on a traditional favorite, making it a popular choice among those following a low carb or ketogenic diet.

Best Time to Enjoy Keto Cheeseburger Mini Meatloaf

The keto cheeseburger mini meatloaf is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed year-round. However, it is particularly delightful during the summer months when fresh ingredients like tomatoes and lettuce are abundant. This recipe is a great option for outdoor picnics, backyard barbecues, or even a cozy night in. Its simplicity and delicious flavors make it a crowd-pleaser for any occasion.

Perfect Food Pairings with Keto Cheeseburger Mini Meatloaf

  • Serve the keto cheeseburger mini meatloaf alongside a crisp green salad for a refreshing contrast.
  • Pair it with some grilled vegetables, such as zucchini or bell peppers, to add a touch of smoky flavor.
  • For a complete meal, serve it with cauliflower rice or mashed cauliflower to keep it low carb.
  • For a beverage pairing, a light and refreshing sparkling water or a sugar-free soda can complement the flavors of the meatloaf.

Tips and Tricks to Prepare Keto Cheeseburger Mini Meatloaf

  • Make sure to use lean ground beef to reduce the fat content of the meatloaf.
  • To add extra flavor, mix in some diced onions, garlic, or even jalapenos to the meat mixture.
  • If you don't have access to almond flour, you can use crushed pork rinds as a low carb alternative for binding the meatloaf.
  • To ensure the meatloaf stays moist, avoid overmixing the ingredients and be careful not to overcook it.

Let's Get Started!

Now that you know all about the keto cheeseburger mini meatloaf, it's time to get cooking! Gather your ingredients, follow the simple steps, and enjoy the delicious flavors of this low carb twist on a classic favorite. Don't forget to share your experience and invite others to try this recipe too. Happy cooking and happy eating!


  • Ground Beef (1 pound)
  • Salt (¼ teaspoon)
  • Black Pepper, Ground (¼ teaspoon)
  • Mustard Powder (½ teaspoon)
  • Paprika (½ teaspoon)
  • Garlic, Powder (¼ teaspoon)
  • Parmesan Cheese (½ cup, shredded)
  • Yellow Onion (1 ounce)
  • Dill Spears by Greak Gherkins (½ ounce)
  • American Cheese (1-½ slice - each 3/4 ounce)
  • Mayo (2 tablespoon)
  • Ketchup (1 teaspoon)


  1. Preheat an oven to 375 degrees. In a mixing bowl, combine the ground beef with all seasonings and the parmesan cheese.
  2. Spray a 6-count muffin tin lightly with pan spray. Divide the ground beef into 6 portions and press each portion into the muffin tin to create a little cup. The edges of the ground beef should rise above the muffin tins (this will close the mini meatloafs later).
  3. Arrange about 1 tsp of diced onion per cup, followed by 1 slice of gherkin pickle. Add a ¼ slice of American cheese on top of each pickle slice.
  4. Use your fingers to close up each mini meatloaf and press the ground beef together. Mix together the mayo and ketchup and spread approx. 1 teaspoon of this mixture over the top of each mini meatloaf.
  5. Bake the mini meatloafs for 30 minutes. Allow the meatloafs to cool before using a slotted spoon to transfer them to a serving plate.
  6. Download our Free Keto Recipe Book for 21 Healthy, Quick and Easy to make Recipes


Protein: 25g
Fat: 16g
Total Carbs: 2g
Net Carbs: 1g
Calories: 254 KCal

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