Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette

Eggs are great for breakfast or quick snack! I like to bulk my eggs with extra protein to help me stay full and satisfied throughout the day. I used smoked salmon for this omelette as it is one of my favorites. I used the canned version, but cured smoked salmon would be awesome!

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About Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette:

The Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette is a flavorful and unique recipe that combines the richness of smoked salmon with the creaminess of eggs. This low-carb dish is perfect for those following a ketogenic diet, as it is high in healthy fats and protein. The omelette is seasoned with herbs and spices, adding a burst of flavor to every bite. It is a quick and easy breakfast or brunch option that is both satisfying and nourishing.

Origins of Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette:

While the specific origins of the Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette are unclear, the combination of smoked salmon and eggs has a rich history in various culinary traditions. Smoked salmon has been enjoyed for centuries in Scandinavian cuisine, where it is often served with eggs for breakfast. This dish may have also been influenced by the popular Mediterranean practice of incorporating smoked fish into omelettes. Regardless of its precise origins, the Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette showcases the harmonious pairing of two delicious ingredients.

Best Time to Enjoy Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette:

The Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette is best enjoyed year-round, as the ingredients are typically readily available. However, it can be particularly delightful during the spring and summer months when fresh herbs are in abundance. This dish is versatile and can be enjoyed for breakfast, brunch, or even a light dinner. It pairs well with a variety of seasonal vegetables and can be served alongside a refreshing salad or a side of roasted asparagus.

Perfect Food Pairings with Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette:

  • Pair the Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette with a side of fresh avocado slices for a creamy and nutritious addition.
  • Serve the omelette with a dollop of sour cream or Greek yogurt to add a tangy element.
  • Create a well-rounded meal by serving the omelette alongside a colorful salad filled with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and cucumber.
  • For a heartier option, toast a slice of low-carb bread and enjoy it as an open-faced sandwich with the omelette on top.
  • To elevate the flavors, pair the omelette with a glass of sparkling water infused with lemon or cucumber.

Tips and Tricks to Prepare Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette:

  • Ensure the eggs are well beaten before adding them to the pan for a fluffy omelette.
  • Feel free to experiment with different herbs and spices to customize the flavor of the omelette. Dill, chives, or parsley work particularly well.
  • If smoked salmon is not available, you can substitute it with cooked salmon or even smoked trout for a similar taste.
  • To add extra creaminess, you can fold in some cream cheese or crème fraîche into the omelette mixture before cooking.
  • For a more substantial meal, consider adding sautéed mushrooms or spinach to the omelette filling.

Let's Get Started!

The Keto Smoked Salmon Omelette offers a delightful combination of flavors and textures, making it a perfect choice for a delicious and healthy meal. Try this recipe today and experience the satisfaction of a flavorful and nourishing dish. Join our community of food enthusiasts and subscribe to receive more mouthwatering recipes that will support your weight-loss goals while allowing you to indulge in the joy of cooking and exploring new flavors.


  • Raw Egg (3 large)
  • Smoked Salmon (3 ounce)
  • Butter (1-⅓ tablespoon)
  • Parsley (1 teaspoon, chopped)


  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs until fully incorporated.
  2. Heat a small saute pan until hot over medium-high heat, add 1 t butter. Add in the smoked salmon and cook until heated through. Remove to a plate. Wipe out the saute pan if some of the meat stuck to it and return it to the heat.
  3. Add in the rest of the butter to the hot pan, add in the eggs. As the eggs cook, scrape the cooked eggs from the outer edges to the center with a heat proof spatula. Continue doing this until the eggs are still soft on top, but almost cooked through.
  4. Add the smoked salmon into the middle of the eggs.
  5. Gently fold half of the eggs over the salmon and push the omelette to the edge of the pan. Using the spatula, gently guide the omelette to a plate. Serve hot and sprinkle with herbs, if desired!
  6. Download our Free Keto Recipe Book for 21 Healthy, Quick and Easy to make Recipes


Protein: 35g
Fat: 35g
Total Carbs: 2g
Net Carbs: 2g
Calories: 468 KCal

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